Edgar Cahn says in resposnse to DtW?

That's a powerful video - and the absence of community (whatever that may mean) is clear.

This is why I am proposing the creation of a local Civic GDP or a well-being index measured by hours spent in mutual help, community projects and celebrations. Community is more than the sum of individual transactions -- which is why TimeBanking works when it is utilized to generate projects, celebrations, gatherings, joint undertakings.

Top Down doesn't automatically create bottom up. And people want to find purpose in their lives and feel that their existence makes a difference to others. I'd love to be a part of the dialog that generates some serious thinking and action -- around building numerous themes: (a) building in a "pay it forward" reciprocity into service provision, (b) inventorying the wealth of untapped capacity in community (and creating ways to enlist it) and (c) inquiring what kind of world we are creating for our progeny. 

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